Sunday, January 29, 2012

Love is All

    There has been a little change of scenery on this page, but I hope it's not too distracting from the following post.
    The Tallest Man On Earth is a band that has caught my attention in the past couple of months. They play a song that is very dear to my heart. This song is called Love is All. I hold this song so close because I find it to be very personal with my life before and after I devoted my life to following Christ.
    One of the lines in this song says, "Love is all from what I've heard but my hearts learned to kill." How true this is to my heart. As long as I can remember, I have been told to love everyone. You know, the golden rule; treat others the way you would want to be treated. But is love really all we need? Is the way I love others the most important thing? Well how do I love? What is love first of all?
    I believe in defining love we need to look at love itself. And what better example of love then Jesus Christ, who sent His only son to die for you and me. Jesus died the death I deserve. He took my place upon that cross. And for one reason, because he loves me. And in realizing this, I have learned how to love. And I have learned to love others because of Christ's love for me.
    And the second part about our hearts learning to kill. Kill what? For me, my heart learned to kill pain. It learned how to kill guilt of a life wrapped up in sin. I became numb and oblivious to these things. I became so good at not caring, that half the time, I didn't even know I was doing something wrong because of the excuses I had made. Excuses to try and justify my actions before myself. I had become so disgusted with myself without even realizing it.
    On to my favorite line in this wonderful song. "Like a house made from spider webs and the clouds rolling in, I bet this mighty river's both my savior and my sin." When I first heard this, I had to stop and give praise to God. This song is my testimony. As I built my life around sinful things, it was like building a house made of spider webs. And as soon as a storm hits, it's all over. There isn't enough strength to withstand anything that goes wrong.
    And that's exactly what happened. Everything came crashing down on the life I built. And it just wasn't strong enough. And that sin that I was so caught up in, became my savior. It made me realize how broken I was and how much I needed God to work in my life.
    So I gave it all to Him. And in doing so, I received the strength to uphold in every storm that comes my way. I have learned that anything is possible with the Lord. He might take you through a living hell, but sometimes that's exactly what's needed. It's what I needed, so I can be here today more joyful than ever.

 "2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." -- James 1:2-3

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