Sunday, January 22, 2012

I wanted to be the best.

    As I sit here this rainy sunday afternoon, I feel as if days like these is when I will take the time to write. While watching the playoffs, I came to a realization. Glory; not mine, but the Lord's. For as long as I can remember, I was always searching for something. Most of the time I didn't even know what I was searching for.
    I have grown up in a house with two older brothers, all athletes. So naturally, everything was a competition. I am the youngest so often I was on the losing side. So a sense of drive and perseverance developed. This turned out to be one of my greatest attributes, but it also became a weakness.
    As I was always searching, I thought I could do it all on my own. Before that, any problem I came across, every storm I encountered, I was able to overcome because of the drive that had been instilled in me. I was terribly mistaken.
    I wanted to be the best. That's what it all came down to. At whatever I did, I was always trying to beat the next person. Sports were a huge influence in my life. As soon as I could walk, I had a basketball in my hands. I found joy in playing, not only because I loved the game, but because that's how other people knew me.
    So I played, for myself. Each and every time I would walk on the court it was "Wow, look at me. I'm able to do great things." And of course, it was all on my own terms. It was all me, I had the power.
    But where did that power come from? Why was I able to do these things? There was a million questions I asked myself, but only one answer. Simply, the answer was Christ. Or was it really that simple? At first it seemed as if everything was coming at me all at once. It seemed as if my whole life was broken, and it was. This couldn't be that simple. Everything in my life needed to be reversed. How on earth was I going to do this on my own. And that was it. It was simple. The joy of my salvation was enough to fix my broken life.
    After that moment, it all became so clear. I got a clear purpose of what my life was supposed to be like. I knew what God's will for my life was. His Word tells us to use our talents for His glory. My talents? Oh yeah, basketball. How was I going to do that? What did that even mean? Oh yeah, glory; but not mine anymore, His.
    I still find joy in playing the game I love, but I no longer play for me. I play for the glory of God. I find joy in carrying out God's plan for my life. I have found that my power comes from the Lord. And now, each and every time I walk on the court, I say "Wow, look at the transformation in my life. I am only able to do great things because Christ so loved me that He sent His son to die for me."
    I'm not deserving of anything. I'm overwhelmed with blessings I've received, and I thank God every day for giving me life.

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." --Galations 2:20


  1. Christ in you inspires us-we love you so! Mom and Dad

  2. I can already tell i'm going to love reading your posts. Even though we never really talked, I can still see your growth in Him from when we first met to now. It's amazing and you're definitely an example for me! Keep doing what you're doing!
