Sunday, February 19, 2012


    These are the times that I cherish. Sitting around a fire with my whole family. I hold these moments so precious to my heart because it is a rare occurrence. We have recently been united by the ever so wonderful visits from my brother Jeff and his girlfriend Kelsey. So there we sat, next to my other brother Corey and his fiance Melissa. Dad got the fire rolling as Mom came out with s'mores. What more could I ask for? Oh I know, a wonderful girl named Shannon sitting right next to me.
    Laughter filled the air as we talked about life and love. Every person outside of our immediate family has said the same thing. When we are all together, they all comment on our movie-quoting habits. I will say a line from a movie but I'll stop before completing it and wait, and without hesitation one of my brothers, Mom, or Dad will finish it.
    Others will literally laugh until they cry. Especially when we are around my Nanny, who is probably the most unpredictable woman on the earth. But we love her all the same.
    And so we sat, reminiscing on our favorite childhood memories. We decided to watch our favorite movie when we were little, 3 Ninjas. And as we sat through the corny jokes and children acting, a deep sense of appreciation fell upon me. It was my parents' love for us. They would sit through the dumbest movies and shows time and time again, just because it made us happy.
    But it wasn't always this easy. We definitely had our fair share of fights and struggles, particularly due to a house full of boys. I don't know how my mother did it. But in the end we are all better from it. I can't speak for them but I certainly wouldn't change a thing.
    I write this because family is something that I had taken for granted up until a few weeks ago. I've learned to live in the moment, and appreciate the small things. For we are not promised a tomorrow. So it's my goal to make the best of each and every day, because each one has its own purpose.

14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. --James 4:14

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